Wednesday 26 April 2017

7. Looking back at my preliminary task, what do i feel i've learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at my preliminary task, I think I have mainly learnt how to give my magazine cover a more authentic and realistic look by using different tools within the "Canva" program, and concentrating on the finer details, like choosing fonts that sync well together and a colour scheme that suits my genre and speaks to my target audience which is teens and young adults. I would also say I have improved on the visuals and my cover photo from my preliminary task, I took a lot more care selecting and editing a photo which would convey the message of my magazine whilst also giving a clear depiction of my genre. Overall I think my music magazine cover outshines my school magazine cover based purely on the authenticity of it, this is down to the more carefully chosen colour scheme, fonts and finer detail that I did not think about the first time around.

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