Monday 10 October 2016

The Four F's of Magazine Design

They are the design choices that are repeated in every issue. These are used to define the magazines overall look and feel. Included are a logo, cover line, size of the magazine, department headers and other things that repeat in every issue.
It is the editorial content (eg: what is included in the magazine). This includes the type of articles, their length, departments in the back and front of the book (The same sections used in every issue of the magazine) all make the formula.
The frame is the standard size for outer pages, margins and also gutters. Majority of magazines use the same sort of margin width throughout the content of the magazine; others sometimes vary the width, using tall top margins for features to set apart the well, for instance. The rule for using margins establishes consistency from issue to issue.
 What the magazine itself is trying to achieve and the message it is trying to send.
CONSISTENCY- Same issue each time.
UNITY- United feel to every magazine issue.

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