Monday 10 October 2016

National Reading Survey

"The National Readership Survey was established in 1956 and today offers the best authoritative and respected audience research in use for print and digital advertising trading in the UK. The survey covers over 250 of Britain’s major news brands and magazines, showing the size and nature of the audiences they achieve."
This table shows the ages of the readers for some of the most popular music magazines' that are sold in the UK.
(click to view)

How is this data useful to you in creating a music magazine?

These statistics in this table is beneficial for different genres of music magazines as it displays what category of people their magazines suit and are mostly bought by. It is also a method in which different magazines can compare their reader status to other magazines because of the bigger total of magazines bought. The use of the age groups shows which genre of music magazines most suit specific age groups.

What does it tell you that something like the advertising packs do?

They are custom-made to the right genre which lets people become more informed of what will be incorporated in the magazines that most suit them and what they are attracted to when it comes to both visual and content.

What more would you like to know?

I would like to find out if each customer frequently buys the same magazine or whether the majority of the purchases were essentially just one off buys and are not regular. I would also like to know if the person who bought the magazine went back and read it again afterwards instead of merely reading it once and never picking it up again.

1 comment:

  1. I think these are good questions to pose. It's especially interesting in this digital day and age - is this something you'll need to consider in your own production? Perhaps your magazine will be a one off buy or something the reader deems as collectable ( for the artwork for example).This is an additional post you could do to add depth to your research.
    NS3 - Look in your booklet, the magazine you bought and like post?
