Thursday, 2 February 2017

Magazine Publishing Process

During the magazine production progress, a write must always have in mind how or who to get their magazine published with. The process is long and not always successful but it is always and important factor a writer must be able to over come.
The process of making my magazine, got me thinking about how I can get this published if it was for real? So I researched online and found an article by  Jeff Goins explaining the publishing progress in a step by step guide.



"Step 1: Start with a topic

Think of an idea that is original, interesting, and compelling.
Try to do some free-writing or mind-mapping to flesh it out on paper.
Focus on what you know, on what you have a unique perspective on.

Step 2: Make a list

Do some research. Take note of a few publications you’d like to pitch. Make sure you have a good variety. This will increase your chances of getting published with one of them.

I usually pick a few smaller and larger publications when I do this. I vary the list to improve my chances.

Step 3: Write a Query Letter

Query letters are short, formal letters that you send to to the editor to consider you for publishing. If the magazine has more than one editor, send it to the person who accepts pitches for your particular topic.
Address him or her by name, include the date, and pitch the idea in a short outline form.
It’s also a good idea to provide some sample work that you’ve done (in the form of links, preferably, if you have published anything online).
If appropriate, try including more than one idea in the letter. This will increase the likelihood of getting a response.
If you need help writing one, try this tutorial: How to Write a Query Letter

Step 4: Wait

This is important: Give the magazine adequate time to respond.
If they have a policy for pitching articles, read it. Most likely, it will be something like this: “If you don’t hear back from us in [X amount of time], you can trust that we weren’t able to use your piece.”
Wait a week or so before following up. If you don’t hear back within a few weeks to a month, send a letter to the publication, telling them you’re moving on with the idea. When in doubt, ask permission to follow up. For example, if I’m wanting a quick response on a piece, I may say:
If I don’t hear back from you in a week or so, would it be all right for me to follow up?
If they say yes, then you never have to feel awkward about sending a follow-up.

Step 5: Follow up

If they do respond to your pitch, they will tell you one of the following:
a) They don’t like the idea.
b) They want you to tweak the idea.
c) They want to publish the idea.
Oftentimes, I go back and forth with a publication before we land on a good idea.
Once you land on a good idea, they may ask for outline.
Once you’ve agreed on a deadline, then it’s time to start writing. The hardest part is done. Now, all you have to do is write the article. And next time, you probably won’t have to go through this process.
The more you do this sort of thing, the easier it gets, especially as magazines and editors begin to know and trust you."

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