Monday 14 November 2016

Colour Consumers

My colour scheme for my music magazine final design will predominantly consist of Yellows, Reds, Blacks and maybe Oranges.

Yellow - "The colour of youth". This bright vibrant colour represents optimism and youthfulness throughout nature and society. It is quite often used to grab attention of people window shopping. The main reason I've chosen to use yellow is because of its attractive nature and how it represents youth and life which ties into the genre of grime music.

Red - This colour very energetic and loud, it causes your heart rate to increase whilst also representing feelings of lust, anger, urgency and danger. It is commonly used in shops for clearance sales as it is so effective at grabbing your attention and many colours pop out when put over it. I am using this colour because of how its representations really reflect how grime is perceived and what it stands for and also a really good "attention grabber".

Orange - Considered the "tamer" red, this colour creates a call to action whilst also reflecting danger, aggression and flamboyance which all can come together to be used to describe grime music. It stands out brilliantly on a dark background and catches the eye of passers by.

Black - Powerful, sleek and mysterious. All of these elements are what the colour black shows and represents, and it is also commonly used in marketing to sell luxury products as unlike its simplicity it is nowadays seen as a colour which reflects relaxation and luxury. It is bold and outstanding when on lighter backgrounds which is the reason I have chosen it for my colour scheme, and as we all know, black goes with everything.

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