Monday 26 September 2016

Music Magazine Cover

The cover for this particular magazine seems to be very traditional in the way it is laid out. For example the main image is in the centre, it is quite large and partially covers the masthead, the subheadings are also placed on either side of the image, this is common for music magazines. I quite like this because this idea of keeping with tradition contrast well with Eminem as he is seen as quite a rebel who doesn't follow the norms of society.
This conveys the genre as hip-hop and rap is meant to be quite rebellious and different so this contrasts with the layout well and the use of Eminem as the centre image represents all that is rebellious and outgoing about the culture and genre of rap.
In my design i would like to use the traditional layout because i feel like it works the best and is the most visually appealing to my audience. However this may change as I do more and more research.

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