Saturday, 28 January 2017

The Acid Test

'The Acid Test' is an idea in which people assess the quality of the magazine, in this circumstance, whether the magazine looks genuine or not.

Samples of earlier peoples work to recognise which band they fit into:

Band 1 example -

They have created material suitable for the task, and correctly used ICT using page design and layout.

Band 2 example -

They have used more suitable language and register which fits the kind of the magazine better. They have also edited the main image.

Band 3 example -

In this case they have more conventions of a usual magazine, whilst having a variety of fonts and colours.


Band 4 example -

They have used a selection of language and register which is fitting for their target audience, and the use of ICT skill has also made the cover seem more professional looking and real, this magazine would gain top marks.

Thursday, 12 January 2017


Before I start to create and plan for my final design of my magazine, I must first ask my target audience a series of questions as to get a better idea of the type of magazine they would like to see and the way they would like it to look. This is important as it will allow me to tailor and create a magazine aimed specifically at my target audience and gain more sales and revenue. I gathered a lot of data through asking my set questions and have constructed an answer for each one based on the average responses.

What Would Your Ideal Magazine Look Like?

Ideally it would be a clean and fresh design, with little to none clutter everywhere. Like you know when you pick up a magazine and it just bombards you with different headlines and pictures on one page, and it confuses you a little bit and you don't know where to look first, i would like the opposite of that, because in my opinion anything other would just look messy. Also it has to have a good colour scheme, and keep it throughout, like not every colour of the rainbow on one page, just a few that go well together to interest me in reading, plus it makes the whole magazine look more realistic and mature.

How Important Is a Variety of Fonts For You?

Honestly it is quite important, if every word on every page was written in the same style and font it would look well boring. A mix of fonts would break up each texts and make the magazine look more diverse and excited, not stupid fonts though that you can barely read, fonts that are relevant to the genre of the magazine and are clear and easy to read and digest.

Does It Help To Have A Few Pictures When Reading A Magazine?

Yes of course, if you don't have many pictures to break up the text, the page would look boring and it would look too much like you're reading a book, which isn't what you want for your target audience I guess? A few pictures here and there to give the reader an idea of what they are reading about would be enough for me, good relevant and original pictures would be best, ones that make the reader want to find out more.

Do You Like A Variety of Articles to Read?

If you mean like different things to read and look at in the magazine itself then yes of course, because otherwise it would seem very plain, a variety of various subject matters, interviews and articles will make me want to read each individual page due to how diverse it it, I can't think of anything worse for a magazine than all interviews or all boring articles, a varied selection of page topics is what I would like to see.

Risk Assessment Table

Before a photo shoot, every photographer must carry out a risk assessment of the surrounding area as to not put themselves, or the model in any form of danger. Here is a table of risks and ways i managed to prevent them during my photo shoot for my magazine,